Microsoft telah beralih ke taksonomi penamaan baru untuk aktor ancaman yang selaras dengan tema cuaca. Dengan taksonomi baru, kami bermaksud untuk memberikan kejelasan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan dan peneliti keamanan lainnya yang telah berhadapan dengan data intelijen ancaman dalam jumlah yang sangat banyak dan menawarkan cara yang lebih terorganisir, jelas, dan mudah untuk mereferensikan pelaku ancaman sehingga organisasi dapat memprioritaskan dan melindungi dengan lebih baik diri.
In our new taxonomy, a weather event or family name represents one of the above categories. In the case of nation-state actors, we have assigned a family name to a country of origin tied to attribution, like Typhoon indicates origin or attribution to China. For other actors, the family name represents a motivation. For example, Tempest indicates financially motivated actors. Threat actors within the same weather family are given an adjective to distinguish actor groups with distinct tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), infrastructure, objectives, or other identified patterns. For groups in development, where there is a newly discovered, unknown, emerging, or developing cluster of threat activity, we use a temporary designation of Storm and a four-digit number, allowing us to track it as a unique set of information until we can reach high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the operation.
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